How to be a real person : (in just one day)

Warner, Sally, 2001
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-375-90434-9
Verfasser Warner, Sally Wikipedia
Systematik 5YF - Young adult fiction
Interessenskreis Sekundarstufe 1
Schlagworte Familie, Englische Jugendliteratur, Mädchen
Verlag Alfred Knopf
Ort New York
Jahr 2001
Umfang 123 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Sally Warner
Annotation Twelve-year-old Kara Biggs is a list-maker: how to get up and go to school, how to get out of doing an oral book report, how to avoid having a teacher-parent conference. And how to be a real person--especially when part of her life doesn't feel all that real anymore. Through the course of one day, Kara's life gradually reveals itself: her father has moved a few hours away for a job, and Kara is left at home with a mother who is spending more and more time in bed and less time taking care of herself or of Kara. But no one knows just how sick her mother has become, not her father, her teacher, or her best friend, and Kara is determined to keep it that way. She can take care of her mother herself, and be as real a person as she can--until her two desires collide in a painful yet hopeful finale.


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