Tell me lies

Cooper, Patrick, 2006
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Cooper, Patrick Wikipedia
Systematik 5Fr - Friendship
Schlagworte Englische Jugendliteratur, 60ziger Jahre, Junge
Verlag Andersen Press
Ort London
Jahr 2006
Umfang 291 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Patrick Cooper
Annotation It is 1969, and Stephen meets up with old friend Astrid and her lover Spencer, and stays with them in the hippy household “The Hollies.” Peace and love are tangible: until his passionate attraction for another girl in the household goes sour. He drifts into the radical arts scene and far-left politics, and finally into a squalid squat in London. A return to the idyllic “The Hollies” seems a good idea, but now the house has become a commune, and Spencer is the guru. When this too, inevitably, goes sour, Stephen has to try to understand what was real and what was just a dream? Ab 14 J.


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