Fen Gold

Lennon, Joan, 2007
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-1-84270-632-9
Verfasser Lennon, Joan Wikipedia
Systematik 5Fa - Fantasy
Schlagworte Englische Jugendliteratur, Kinderbuch
Verlag Andersen Press
Ort London
Jahr 2007
Umfang 143 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Joan Lennon
Annotation Trouble is heading for Wickit Monastery through the sweltering summer Fens - from the King's court comes Cedric with a chip on his shoulder, and from the land of the Vikings, Rane, a beautiful Norse girl, arrives with her hulking henchmen. But what are they really here for?

Pip and his friend Perfect, the stone gargoyle, find themselves caught up in a mad search for buried treasure, which leads them right across the marshes, all the way to the dreaded Black Bog, the very last place they want to be. And all the while, they can't shake the feeling they're being watched...


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