The wide window : A series of unfortunate events

Snicket, Lemony, 2000
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-06-440768-7
Verfasser Snicket, Lemony Wikipedia
Systematik 5MC - Mystery & Crime
Interessenskreis Sekundarstufe 1 u. 2
Schlagworte Englische Jugendliteratur
Verlag Harper Collings Publisher
Ort London
Jahr 2000
Umfang 214 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe A Series of Unfortunate Events
Reihenvermerk 3
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Lemony Snicket
Annotation Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are being escorted by the well-meaning Mr. Poe to yet another distant relative who has agreed to take them in since their parents were killed in a horrible fire. Aunt Josephine, their new guardian, is their second cousin's sister-in-law, and she is afraid of everything. Her house (perched precariously on a cliff above Lake Lachrymose) is freezing because she is afraid of the radiator exploding, she eats cold cucumber soup because she's afraid of the stove, and she doesn't answer the telephone due to potential electrocution dangers.

But just when she should be the most fearful--when Count Olaf creeps his way back to find the Baudelaire orphans and steal their fortune--she somehow lets her guard down. Once again, it is up to Violet, Klaus, and Sunny to get themselves out of danger. Will they succeed?


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